When Is It Time To Replace Home Locks — Repairing Or Upgrading Locks


A common question that many individuals have is deciding on the right time to replace their home locks. Many people will find themselves asking the question; should I replace my home locks or should I repair them? Typically a good indicator of when a lock needs to be replaced is when it is no longer functioning as it should. Sometimes the best solution might be for a repair, and in other cases, the best option is a replacement. In this article, we are going to go over some of our thoughts on when the ideal time to replace a lock is instead of opting for a lock repair service.

Before covering our primary topic, it’s important to point out that replacing a lock is different than repairing it. If a lock is working as it should but only different keys are required, a lock rekeying service is generally the best option. Learn more about lock rekeying here to find out more about the differences between rekeying a lock and replacing it entirely. It is important to note that when a lock is rekeyed it retains the same functionality as before it was rekeyed, meaning a lock that is no longer functional will not be functional after it is rekeyed to a different key. Learn more about Lock Changing VS Rekeying.

To Repair or Replace?

The primary advantage of replacing a lock over repairing it is the fact that entirely new hardware will be placed on the door. When a lock is repaired, however, the same hardware stays on the door and the broken piece in question will be changed out with a newer piece. Typically many homeowners will find that replacing a lock entirely is their best choice over repairing a broken piece as replacing everything is generally the most cost-effective solution long-term. What we mean by this, is that a lock that is in not so great condition might continue to break despite the repairs that have been done. 

To go into more detail, when a lock is no longer locking correctly due to a malfunctioning latch, one option might be to replace the broken latch in question with a new one, leaving the same interior and exterior pieces on the door. This might be a good solution for some, however, others might choose to replace everything entirely. It is estimated that the average home lock will last approximately 7 years however this approximation varies based on statistics such as usage, wear and tear, weather conditions, and other various factors. 

Locks that are no longer functioning as they should due to old age could be repaired and still have a few years left of life. Locks that have been through a break-in however are probably best replaced with different and newer locks, especially if forced entry was involved. If locks are not turning easily it might be time to consider that they either need to be replaced or repaired. A lock that is not turning easily might be a good indication that some sort of impairment is happening. when a lock is not functioning as it should, or when it becomes hard to unlock a door lock it with a key, it might be time to start thinking about the possibility that it may malfunction and/or break soon. 

Other things to consider when thinking about whether to repair or replace a lock might be if there's difficulty turning the key, if the key gets stuck frequently, and if there are frozen parts or internal mechanisms that aren’t moving as they should. It's possible that over time parts from within the lock might begin to freeze up and not move correctly. This could be for many reasons in the solution might be to either replace the part that is frozen or is broken, or to replace the lock entirely which will also replace the broken part in question. If a key gets frequently stuck it might be time to put some lubricant into the lock or consider a repair service before a key breaks in the lock resulting in a lockout and a broken key. 

We always consider replacing locks with new ones after a break-in has occurred as well as when a lock is clearly damaged beyond repair. Burglars might destroy a lock in an attempt to break in, typically with a crowbar or other forceful instrument or tool. Additionally, homeowners will want to consider replacing their lock entirely if it starts to become very hard to use or rusted due to extreme elements, or inclement weather. 

Replacing Home Locks

It's generally not as hard as one might think to replace home locks such as doorknobs are deadbolts. In fact, many hardware stores carry common brands of locks. Hardware stores such as Lowe's, Ace Hardware, and The Home Depot are great examples of hardware stores that are found around the USA that keep locksets in stock. Many homeowners find that they can replace their home locks themselves simply with a Phillips head screwdriver, but when dealing with many locks that are working correctly, a locksmith might be the cheapest option for having all of the locks be on different keys.

A common reason that homeowners change their locks is that they want a different style or finish; an example of this might be after a remodel when everything is painted and the homeowner wants a different doorknob and deadbolt of a different color. Additionally, homeowners might want to replace their older mechanical deadbolt with a newer electronic deadbolt such as a keypad lock. Many homeowners are now finding that smart locks are the ideal solution for them as many smart locks can sync with their smartphone in order to unlock and lock based on their proximity from the lock itself. Another common reason that people are opting to replace their locks is for mobility reasons, an example of this might be replacing a doorknob with a door leaver. Some people choose door levers over doorknobs because it's easier to push down on a lever than it is to turn a lock, especially for those who have issues such as arthritis or trouble with their hands or fingers.

 While many locks nowadays can be installed easily with only a screwdriver, many still find that a professional Locksmith service is the best choice for them. A mobile locksmith service can arrive at the homeowners location, generally on the same day, in order to install the locks for them. This is good for those who are unsure of exactly what to do in regards to replacing their lock with a different one.

Another good example of why people might replace their locks is to have all of their locks be on the same key. What we mean by this is homeowners might change existing locks so that they are all on the same keyway. Locks such as Schlage and Kwikset have proprietary keyways meaning that a Kwikset key will not fit in a Schlage lock and a Schlage key will not fit in a Kwikset lock. Homeowners that have predominantly Kwikset locks might choose to replace one of their Schlage locks with a Kwikset one in order to have all of their home locks be on the same key or the other way around. 


There are many key differences between replacing a lock entirely and repairing an existing one. Homeowners might choose to repair an existing lock that is newer and has a specific issue that can easily be fixed with a new part and homeowners with older locks are generally encouraged to replace their entire lockset with a new one to mitigate future issues down the road. It can generally be said that replacing a lock entirely will be a little more costly than just fixing the part in question, however, new lock sets are sometimes the best option for locks that are too far gone to be repaired efficiently and cost-effectively.

 It's always important that you as a homeowner decide what is right for your home.

If you are a homeowner in Northern Colorado and you require assistance in regards to replacing your home locks with new ones or repairing them, we can help!

In addition to lock repairs and lock replacements, we can also assist with lock rekeying, lock installations, lockout services, lock removals, lock changes, lock fixing, and much more. Locksmith Services Longmont is available 24/7 including holidays and we can assist with many different types of residential locksmith services as well as commercial locksmith jobs. Call us anytime at 303-900-0549, reach us by email, or even book online through our online booking page. 
